Right now we have an age limit and a time on farm limit that forces call-ups. Previous polls indicated people wanted another measure - either a Games Played measure, a Performance measure, or both. I think the easiest is to figure out what type works best, then look at specifics. Any rules would be in addition to others already in place.
Games Played measure - players would be required to be called up or released by the Roster Freeze of the season following when they hit a certain milestone of Games Played. For example, if the milestone is 100, a player plays 20 games in 2012 and more than 80 games in 2013, he'd have to be rostered by 2014. We can discuss whether an appropriate milestone would be something like 100 or 200 games, or a player losing their rookie status, etc (h/t to andre for the suggestion).
Performance measure - a player accumulating so many fantasy points would be forced to be called up. The FCHL rule is that any player falling into any tier must be rostered by the next season. I'm open to suggestion, but this seems like a good way to go.
-- Edited by mrdannyg on Friday 3rd of August 2012 01:46:22 PM
-- Edited by mrdannyg on Friday 3rd of August 2012 09:38:27 PM
I didn't include 'none' as an option since there was an overwhelming vote earlier for one of them. If anyone's opinion is to have none, I suggest still voting for one of the above, but please please state that 'none' is preferred in the comments and if it is a more popular option than it was before, we'll go from there!
Last couple votes were on Games Played, so it is a little less close, but its still hard to say who supports what. I'm going to make two new polls that should resolve this once and for all!